A swimming pool is a great investment for your home. It provides hours of enjoyment and exercise for the whole family, and it increases the value of your property. Like any other piece of equipment, however, a swimming pool requires proper maintenance to ensure years of safe, enjoyable use. One common problem that can occur with a swimming pool is damage to the shell. If you’re lucky, you may only need a few repairs – like sealing small cracks in the plaster coat. But if the damage is more serious, you may need to have a professional repair the shell of your gunite pool. If you own a gunite pool and live in the San Diego, CA area, you’re in luck! We can repair any structural cracks in your pool’s shell. Our process is simple and effective. In this blog post, we’ll explain how it’s done. Read on to learn more!
What Is a Gunite Pool?
A gunite pool is a type of in-ground pool that is made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water. This mixture is sprayed onto a steel frame that has been installed in the ground. The gunite pool is then plastered with a concrete layer to give it a smooth finish. Gunite pools are very durable and long-lasting, but they can develop cracks over time. These cracks can be caused by many things, including poor installation, bad weather, or even tree roots. If you have a crack in your gunite pool’s shell, it’s important to have it repaired as soon as possible. Otherwise, the crack will only get worse and could eventually lead to structural damage.
In this video, we show you how to repair cracks in gunite pool shells:
For information about pool structural staples repair click here or call us today at 858-888-5955 to book your appointment today. For our Naperville location click here. We offer free consultations, so you have nothing to lose!

Repairing Structural Cracks in Gunite Pools
If you have a structural crack in your gunite pool’s shell, the first thing you need to do is call a professional. We will come to your home and assess the damage. Once we determine the extent of the damage, we will develop a repair plan. In most cases, we will be able to seal the cracks from the inside of the pool. This will require us to drain the pool and remove any decking or other features that are in the way. Once we have access to the cracks, we will clean them out and then apply a special epoxy resin. This resin will fill in the cracks and bond with the gunite to create a watertight seal. Once it has cured, we will test the repair to make sure it is effective. If everything looks good, we will then refill the pool and replace any decking or other features that were removed during the repair process.
Sealing Small Cracks in Gunite Pools
If you have small cracks in your gunite pool’s shell, you may be able to seal them yourself. This can be a time-consuming process, but it will save you money on repairs. To seal small cracks, you will need to purchase a pool-repair kit from your local home improvement store. These kits come with all of the materials and instructions you need to complete the job. Just follow the directions carefully and take your time. If done correctly, sealing small cracks in your pool’s shell will prevent them from getting worse and will prolong the life of your pool.
Preventing Cracks in Gunite Pools
The best way to deal with pool damage is to prevent it from happening in the first place. There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of cracks forming in your pool’s shell. First, make sure that your pool is installed correctly. This means level ground and a properly installed pool frame. Second, keep your pool well-maintained. This means regular cleaning and filtering, as well as checking the pH level of the water. Lastly, be proactive about tree roots. Most private investigators warn of liability concerns with cracked pool shells and suggest that cracks be repaired as soon as they are discovered. If you have trees near your pool, have their roots checked regularly. If they are growing too close to the pool, they can cause cracks in the shell.
If you have any questions about pool repairs, pool leak detection, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. We are always happy to help!
Call Us Today!
If you have a gunite pool with structural cracks, don’t wait to get it fixed. Call us today at 858-888-5955 to schedule a repair appointment. We will come to your home, assess the damage, and develop a customized repair plan. Our goal is to get your pool back in working order as quickly and efficiently as possible. We understand the importance of pool safety and we take our repairs very seriously. Contact us today to learn more about our pool repair services in San Diego, CA!